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1st Place

4 Dudes, 1 Cup

  • Scott Palmer (Captain)
  • John Karamalikis
  • Will Berry
  • Mike Del Vecchio

2nd Place

Royal Flush

  • Martijn Gerrits (Captain)
  • Mike Blechschmidt
  • Todd Ivens
  • Aaron Mermelstein

3rd Place

On a Wim

  • Josh Tieman (Captain)
  • Wim Bos
  • Markus Gonsalves
  • Austin Peck

4th Place

Historical Difference

  • Kane Kalas (Captain)
  • Ryan Hall
  • Jesse Silvia
  • Dan Neilson

Notable Performances - Mouse Over on Image to see details

Top Golf

Mike Blechschmidt

31 points

Just 5 points shy of a perfect score!


Will Berry

Won bracket with a ringer percent > 20%

Vegas Olympics Historical Best ✔️


Mike Blechschimidt

118 points (69.75 was average)


Josh Tieman

Averaged 68.33 points (53.625 was average)

Ping Pong

Jon Karamalikis

Won bracket allowing opponents fewer
than 5 points combined!

Round Robin Champion

Mike Blechschmidt

1st: Ping Pong and Squash brackets
2nd: Horseshoes backet
5-1 total record

Vegas Olympics MVP - Scott Palmer