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2015 Complete History

1st Place: 2nd Place:

Racketeering Clowns

The Jaguars

Kane Kalas Scott Palmer
Martijn Gerrits Mike Blechschmidt
Josh Tieman Dave Kheel
Jesse Silvia Aaron Mermelstein
Gold_Medal Silver_Medal
Olympic MVP
Kane Kalas


Notable Performances

Kane Kalas Kane Kalas
Whiffleball: 2HR, 6RBI Badminton: 4-0 record
Kane Kalas whiffleball notable performance  Kane Kalas Badminton
Josh Tieman Martijn Gerrits
Badminton: 4-0 record Badminton: 4-0 record
Josh badminton Martijn Badminton
Mike Blechschmidt Mike Blechschmidt
Basketball: 34 points (in game to 50) Pool: 4-0 record
Mike basketball Mike Pool