1st Place
- Will Berry (Captain)
- Kyle Julius
- Ethan Brun
- Dave Kheel

2nd Place
Zac Attack
- Zach Reinbold (Captain)
- Kane Kalas
- Zack Koerper
- Aaron Luckmann

3rd Place
Flip Flops
- Jesse Capps (Captain)
- Mike Blechschmidt
- Benjamin Pappas
- Aaron Mermelstein

Notable Performances - Mouse Over on Image to see details
Kyle Julius
3/5, 1 RBI, 5.5 ERA
Vegas Olympics Historical Best ✔️
Round Robin Champion
Kane Kalas
1st place and 2-0 in all 3 brackets (beer pong, darts, and ping pong)
6-0 total record
Vegas Olympics MVP - Kyle Julius